Rooftop Solar Panel array at the Kuppam i-Community Office (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sizing a system includes the following steps:-
Step 1 Estimating Electric Loads
Qty X Volts X Amps X Hours(h) = Watts(W) X Hourss (H) = Watt- Hour(WH)
Step2 Sizing & Specifying Batteries
BC ={(Power of the appliance X Working time)/System Volatage} X Consecutive rainy days X System safety factor (1.4-1.8)
Step3 Sizing and Specifying an solar array
Power of the solar module= {(Power of the appliance X Working time)/System Voltage} X Attrition factor(1.6-2.0)
Step 4 Specifying a controller
The controller must operate a system efficiently while meeting the needs of the user. According to manufacturer's specification. The controller must handle under a short circuit of array and normal working.
Step 5 Sizing and specifying inverter
Calculate the total connected watts, determine the maximum surge watts required. The choosing inverter should meet the system's wattage specifications, budget, and other requirements.
Step 6 Sizing System Wiring
System wiring should be designed to endure system current, minimize voltage drop, meet safety codes, and provide protection from environment.
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