Comparison Matrix Between LED versus HPSV Street Light
Item | 60 w LED Street Light | 150w HPSV Street light |
Cost of electricity (KWh) | 8 | 8 |
Operations in hrs(1 day) | 10 | 10 |
Operations in days(1 year) | 365 | 365 |
Annual KWh | 219 | 547.5 |
Annual Cost of Electricity | 1752 | 4380 |
Lifetime | 30000 hrs/3000 days | 6000 hrs/600 days |
Comparative Cost | 21000 | 4500 |
Total Cost of Ownership over LED lifetime keeping cost of electricity same | 35400 | 49500 |
Over All 40% cost saving in LED street Light
Salient features of LED lighting
- High energy efficiency & savings- High power factor> .95
- Safe light- no UV or IR in the beam
- Low heat dissipation/sink
- Vibration resistance- no filament to break.
- Instant on - reaches full brightness in nanoseconds.
- Long lifespan- 30000- 100000 hrs.
- Low -temperature friendly-no issue starting in cold temperature.
- Excellent colour rendering
- High Brightness- no compromise between efficacy and CRI.
- Option of colours
- Eco friendly green products-contains no mercury, lead or other heavy metals.
- No maintenance cost.
- Directional - no wasted light; any pattern possible.